This week we have done Anzac related work lest we forget them here is my work.
This piece of work is describing a soldier in war.
As part of our topic this week I had to act like a soldier in war writing a letter home to someone.
This more difficult in the war than i expected but i'm doing ok all the food is more yuck and expierd than i expected and really all we're having is expired biscuits and packed stuff it's hard to do all the jobs like dig the trench and more i think i'm starting to get trench foot at least the cats are getting some of the rats that are tormenting the trench tormenting the trench can't wait to get back home and see you all again.
By Ayesha
This week for literacy I have written a report about spiders.
I had to write about spiders and what they look like what their food is, and more things about spiders.
Spider Report
Some spiders have long legs for the size of their body. Spiders have more eyes than humans, some spiders have eight eyes some even have twelve eyes. Quite a few spiders are very hairy as an example the trancherla perhaps. A couple spiders are quite colourful, in different ways. Lots of spiders are very big but yet some are very very small. Spiders have quite a lot of legs.
Spiders eat lots of stuff as an example woodlice. Even spiders like to eat smaller animals and small lizards. They eat flies and in other words insects. Some spiders like the daddy long legs eats other spiders they suck the other spiders blood.
Spiders live really anywhere in the world except from Antarctica.They live all over the place a simple fact is there is 40.000 different types of spiders all around the world so there would have to be lots of spiders. An example is they live in trees. Here is some ideas of what they live in like basements, corners of houses, plants, attics.
Life Cycle
The life cycle of the spider is quite simple really. First there has to be an adult female spider to mate with a male spider. Secondly the female spider will lay lots and lots and lots of eggs (sometimes female spiders can lay up to 2000 eggs). Thirdly the eggs hatch into baby spiders. Fourthly the baby spiders will age into adult spiders. Fifthly it happens all over again.
Spiders do have predators and prey like every other animal.
This week for maths we have been doing time activities.
This piece of work is all about times in different countries.