Friday 8 March 2019

My Top Ten _______: T1W6 2019: Ayesha Pallas

Top Ten Favorite Animals

Today we had a selection of blog posts we could do, out of the many I chose this, so enjoy my little top ten animals list.
(Also this is just my opinion)

1. Wolfs

2. Dogs

3. Cats

4. Tigers

5. Horses
6. Cheetahs

7. Polar Bears

8. Koalas

9. Hedgehogs

10. Birds

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ayesha its me Lilly I am in your class I actually love all the animals that you have written down here but there is one thing that i have noticed here(how could you put down dogs before cats)I do understand thought.At home our dogs barely eat till 11 at night and dont care.But our cats want 10 million serving of meat and biscuits a day.Anyways great job hope you have a wonderful day


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